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Booster Theme Review: Is it the best Shopify theme?

Now you wondering if we are talking of the same theme, Yes we are, originally when they started it was named Shopify booster but they later rebranded and adopted a new name to Booster theme. In this post, I will give an honest booster theme review after my 7 months of using it on my Shopify store.
In this posts I cover, how much the theme goes for, what you get, what not to expect and the features it has that other Shopify Premium themes may have missed to Incorporated.
I came across booster theme a few months ago when one of my clients hired me to design his store, he had already bought the theme which later becomes my favorite theme.
As an active drop shipper, I assume you are active on social media and also google, if you once searched for a Shopify theme then you might have come across booster theme ads on Facebook  Ads based on your online cookies.

Booster theme pricing

Let me say I was one of the lucky ones, I got my first booster theme at around $99 that was after I tried using the copied theme that my client gave me but later run into activation issue and I wasn’t able to update the theme since I lacked the actual key to validate it was mine. You know how one license works. 
Shopify booster theme has evolved during the months and they now have the premium version of the theme which has a lot of updated version, new featured and amazing speed, but unlike me, you are going to spend up to $197 to get your booster theme for one license.
During my time using booster theme,I got an update notification that required me to buy the new theme(premium) that they said had different features, new design and high performance as compared to the first version, what really bothers me was despite my attempt to update my first version, it couldn’t go through. 
Just like buying a theme on Shopify, you will get updates and be able to upgrade whenever there was a new version released but that wasn’t the same with booster theme, they insisted existing users (buyers)  were required to buy the new version.
It sounded somehow as extortion, but that aside, let’s continue with the booster theme review as promised.
Now, have seen many shops using the free booster themes which of-course we all know their sources, the black hat market, and other SEO forums, but the real booster theme with premium features will cost you $197.

What’s Unique about Booster theme?

Booster theme works with any niche, if you thinking of going the fashion way, Gadgets, Pet, etc this is the theme for you. It works best for either one or two product Shopify store. If you intend to go the one product way then I would recommend having on your store a mini-sales funnel to help with leads and conversions.
Planning to buy booster theme? Don’t worry despite it not having one-click upsells functionality, it has highly defined Addon upsell, offers detailed sales page. The booster theme has no direct integration to stripe hence sales happen n a new tab.
If you’ve used the addon before then you know they can double increase your conversion, they give you an option to offer a bundle of product to your customers. e.g Pet leash + Pet bed all in one page before checkout.

Booster theme Features

Mobile Optimization

Most the sales come from smartphone users, dropshipping business owners tend to make a kill by targeting Facebook users who access the internet via mobile phones. The booster theme is mobile optimized and also shows the Add to cart button and the product images above the fold.
So if you tend to run mobile ads, either targeting Facebook users or Instagram users then you need not worry if you are using the Shopify booster theme. It fits all devices screens perfectly. No overlapping.
In the first version I bought, some of the features have talked about in this booster theme review were not available for me unless I bought the premium version.
In this mobile-optimized version, it comes with;
  • RRP
  • Sale Price
  • Delivery notification feature
  • Countdown timer
Looking for sales? Always tap into mobile traffic, this has been made easy with a booster theme.

Taking Customers  Direct To Checkout

Sometimes customers end up not completing the checkout process because of the tedious process of adding products to cart, with booster theme, the add to cart is skipped and customer is sent straight to the final check out where they will complete the checkout.
Front end conversion has been increased in most Shopify shops by either reducing the checkout process either using sales funnel or just installing a booster theme which comes with the feature inbuilt.

Sales Notification Popups

This plugin is responsible for converting doubting customers into actual buyers by showing fakes sales pop up. The app objective is to increase the urge of agency and offer social proof knowing the products has been bought before by other buyers.
Some customers may find any kind of pop p notification irritating, I would advise you use this feature keenly, if you intend to use it well and good but it can also be disabled if you like to.

Product Countdown Timer

When you have the countdown timer on, it will or can increase sales by inciting customers of product scarcity while in real sense there are no scarcity but just one of your marketing strategies.
You can set the timer to any day you want can be hours, minutes, seconds and you can as well restart the timer. The countdown timer can redirect customers to a new page when they are on your product page. It has been reported that returning customers may complain about the countdown timer if it keeps showing the same numbers.

Visitor Counter

This is another fake feature I find useful more so if you have passionate customers, it shows fake visitors in real-time so that the customers don’t feel lonely on the store also shows your store is in demand. You can choose to enable or disable this feature, some say it is not wise to use this feature on your store, it's like shopping for  Gucci belt and right in front of your eyes you see other 1000 visitors on the same product.

Cross-Sell Pop up

This feature shows customers most bought together item or similar product when they are about to check out. You can cross-sell car side mirrors and car window wipers. The feature allows you to add up to 6 relevant products.
You can make pretty good sales from just enabling this great feature.

Currency Converter

This addon on booster theme is very useful more so for store owners who are targeting the global audience. You want your USD default currency to show up in different countries in their own currency. When using normal Shopify theme, it's hard to automatically show currencies to customers by their ‘Geo Ips’ hence this plugin allows you to automatically convert your currency to multiples ones.
You can either choose to enable this feature in your booster theme or go for other currency converting apps that are premium on Shopify. I love booster theme since it has many plugins that you may end up spending extra cash on suppose you were using Shopify themes.

Free Plus Shipping Offer Tab

With the introduction of the booster premium theme, you can now offer a free product to your customers. The plugin will display a free offer on the front end. You can also edit the text to display on the tab and this can either redirect the customers to the product or to the sales page you want them to see.

Email Discounts Plugin

This is like Wheelio app, it is designed to collect customers emails in return for coupon code or an offer. As I explained when it comes to pop up you really want to minimize on that. This feature is not amusing to some store owners but others may find it quite useful.
Just like using Mailchimp, you can edit this plugin to fit your need or the sales objective you want to achieve. You can edit the call to action, time to display it either when they are on a specific product or leaving the store. it's your choice.


Now that you’ve read about this booster theme review, it's upon you to make a decision either to continue using Shopify free theme or Shopify premiums themes available on Shopify platform or buy booster theme and activate the beast mode.
I have given my honest review about booster theme. Have you used it before? If yes what's your experience? Kindly share with us using the comment section below.
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